Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

  Bee County Elections

Regular Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:00

Hours will vary during election cycles.

Office Closures:

Friday, April 18, 2025 - Office will only be open from 9:00 a.m. until noon.

Monday, April 21, 2025 - Office will be closed for the Easter Holiday. 

Monday, May 26, 2025 closed for Memorial Day

Every Vote Counts image

Laura Warnix
Elections Administrator
extension 3

Andrea Martinez
Assistant Elections Administrator  extension 2

Deputy Registrar
extension 1

Phone: 361.621.1519

Fax: 361.492.5993

How to vote using the Hart Verity Duo - Video

How to vote using Hart Verity Access for Disabled Voters - Video

107 S. St. Mary's St. 78102
PO Drawer B
Beeville, TX 78104


Voting: An Information Guide ...

Secretary of State vote.texas.gov

  • Voting Priority: A voter with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the voter’s ability to ambulate, and the voter agrees to be given voting order priority, the Election Officer will move you to the front of the line for check-in and voting. A Voting Priority sign is posted at the entrance to the voting place.

    Curbside Voting: Curbside Voting is available for voters who are physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or the likelihood of injuring the voter’s health. A designated reserved parking spot is marked with a Curbside Voting sign. A voter may call 361-621-1519, let us know which location you are ready to vote at, what type of car you are driving. We will let the Presiding Judge know you are waiting to vote curbside. 

    Equipment: Bee County uses Hart Verity's voting equipment. The intuitive touchscreen delivers easy-to-use plain language interfaces. A full suite of accessibility features ensures all voters can vote privately and independently. Use of the KNOWiNK poll pads provides the voter a seamless electronic check-in and verification process that alleviates long lines at the polling sites. If a voter is unable to sign their name on the poll pad, the election officer shall enter the voter’s name with a notation of the reason for the voter’s inability to sign.

    Assistant: A voter who is eligible to receive assistance is entitled to be assisted by a person of the voter’s choice or to be assisted by two election officers. 

    Interpreter: Voters who cannot speak English, or who communicate only with sign language, may use an interpreter of their choice to help them communicate with election officials. If the voter is deaf and does not have a sign language interpreter who can accompany them to help communicate with the poll worker or read the ballot, the voter should contact his or her local election officials before the election and request assistance.

    Witness: If a voter is required to sign a document and cannot do so because of a physical disability or illiteracy, the document may be signed for the person by a witness. When a witness signs on behalf of a voter, the person who cannot sign must affix the person’s mark to the document, which the witness must attest to. If the person cannot make a mark, then the witness must state that fact on the document.

    Accessible Polling Place: Bee County Elections makes every effort to make sure each polling place and early voting location is accessible to and usable by the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Should you or someone you know encounter any location that is not accessible, please notify the Elections Administration Office immediately at 361-621-1519. 

    Secretary of State Voters with Disabilities

  • Vote by Mail image

    Ballot By Mail / FPCA Information

    Absentee Ballot by Mail (ABBM) must be applied for annually. You may call our office at 361-621-1519 to request an application be mailed to you or click here for a fillable and printable application.  

    Voto en ausencia por correo (ABBM) debe aplicar anualmente. Usted puede llamar a nuestra oficina al 361-621-1519 para solicitar una aplicacion por correo o haga clic aqui para llenar una aplicacion imprimibe.

    Reasons for Voting by Mail:

          *65 years of age or older
          *Disability - voter has a sickness or physical condition that prevents the voter from appearing at the polling place on election day without a likelihood of needing personal assistance or of injuring the voter's health
    Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
          *Expected absence from the county - must provide out of county address     
    *Confinement in jail

    Mail application for ballot by mail to:
    Laura Warnix, Early Voting Clerk
    PO Drawer B
    Beeville, TX 78104

    For Military/Overseas Voters: FPCA Application


    Effective December 1, 2017 if an ABBM is faxed or emailed or if an FPCA is faxed, then the applicant must submit the ORIGINAL application BY MAIL to the early voting clerk so that it is received no later than the 4th business day after receiving the original ABBM or FPCA.

    Ballot by Mail Guide - English
    Ballot by Mail Guide - Spanish

  • Interested in becoming a poll worker?
    Complete this form and return to our office.

    Students 16 years of age or older may apply to work and receive an excused absence from school. Complete this Permission form, have your parent and a school administrator sign it, and return it to our office.


    poll workers needed in red, white and blue colors
  • What is a Volunteer Deputy Registrar?     

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDR) are entrusted  with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. They are appointed by county voter registrars with helping increase voter registration in the state. They administer voter registration applications and take responsibility for making sure the citizen completes the application correctly so there is no delay in processing.

    Are you interested in becoming a VDR? Click Here for more information

    Bee County has adopted the Secretary of State Volunteer Deputy Registrar training. 

    Step 1: Review the SOS Online Training  Spanish Version
    Step 2: Review the VDR Guide Spanish Version
    Step 3: Contact the EA Office, 361-621-1519 to schedule your exam (90% required) and/or appointment
    Step 4: Bring the completed Application to the office with your ID

  • The Elections Administration Office is committed to making the content of its web site accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities, and to ensuring its web site complies with Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act and Sections 504  and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, by using World Wide Web Consortium's  (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA.

    Third-Party Sites

    Some of the pages on the Elections Administration (EA) web site may contain links to third-party sites. The EA is not responsible for the online content or accessibility of third-party sites that do not relate to our programs, services, and activities. 

    We Welcome Your Feedback

    If you have difficulty accessing information on our website because of a disability, please contact us. Be sure to include the information below, so we may contact you to provide the information in another format.

    Your name, Email address, Phone number, URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, and the problem you are experiencing.

    Contact Us
    Elections Administration

  • GOP Elephant image in red, white, and blue colors

    Patty Johnson
    2675 Airport Rd.
    Beeville, TX 78102

  • Democrat donkey image in red, white, and blue colors

    Chon Richard Moron
    410 N Polk St.
    Beeville, TX 78102



Notice of Prohibition of Handguns in Polling Locations


Public Logic & Accuracy Testing Plan - English Spanish